Tuesday, February 26, 2008

7 July 2005 - London Bombings

When did the london bombings occured?
-> 7 July 2005

Where did the london bombings occured?
-> Three bombs went off on underground trains just outside Liverpool Street and Edgware Road stations, and on another travelling between King's Cross and Russell Square.
-> The final explosion on a double-decker bus in Tavistock Square, not far from King's Cross.

Impact of London Bombings:

1)Changes in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
2)Unemployment levels.
3)Inflation levels.
4)The rate of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
5)The performance of the stock market.
6)Changes in the value of the local currency.
7)The level of the governmental debt and changes in government defense spending.
8)The health of particular sectors of the economy.

The impact of the London bombings on transport, high street spending and extra security costs will wipe about pounds 2bn off the UK economy.

'Possibly the bigger [impact] is a knock-on effect on consumer spending both in London and the rest of the UK,' he said. 'This is entirely psychological but some people may feel that conspicuous consumption is not appropriate at a time of national tragedy.' SPSL, a retail analysis firm, said shopper numbers were 77 per cent down on 7 July compared with the previous Thursday and 74 per cent lower than the same day a year ago.


The history of such terror attacks in the UK suggests that, in the short term at least, people are more likely to unite behind the government.
All these doubts and fears will be raised in the future. For now politicians are united with a common determination not to yield or indeed, over-react, to the bombings.


1)Perception of the degree of personal security.
2)Perception of confidence in the government and its policies.
3)The psychological impact of terrorism.

Who was involved in the london bombings?
-> Hasib Hussain
-> Mohammad Sidique Khan
-> Germaine Lindsay
-> Shehzad Tanweer

->How did they do it?


fire and ice clashed at [4:56 AM]





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